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About Humans


1. Heterosophy generally accepts the agreed-upon scientific story about the origin of the Homo-Sapiens and its nature as an organic being. Men and women are biological entities with complex systems of consciousness, which are no better nor worse than those of other biological entities with which we share life on earth. As for now, we know almost nothing about the consciousness of other living beings, which could have evolved in utterly different paths than our own.


2. As living beings that constitute part of the fabric of life on earth, and are the result of the biodiversity that appeared and evolved on earth during the last four billion years, humans share many traits with animals, including those that influenced the evolution of consciousness. Large parts of the human brain still carry remnants of our ancient animal ancestors, and this fact has undoubtedly influenced the development of our consciousness, mind and psyche. We believe that much of this influence is still reflected in the daily behaviors of any human creature.


3. Every one of us is thus the end of a chain of life that has been continuous for over four billion years. Along with this overwhelming fact, each of us is given the right and responsibility to decide whether to continue and maintain this chain or to become its last and final link.


4. Those who share the path of Heterosophy see animals and plants that co-habitat earth with them, as family members. The human treatment that those siblings would receive, depends on each and every one of us, and is subject to our own personal responsibilities and moral standards.


5. The urge for life and reproduction, the Libido, is undoubtedly one of the main forces driving the evolution of biodiversity. Without it, all this tree of life would have not been existed. This force thrives within each and every one of us, and is a significant motive in life, as in the stories we tell, and in reality we shape through those stories. The urge to swallow and to be swallowed, to penetrate and to be penetrated (not necessarily in the sexual sense), to live and to cease, is in each of every being, and cannot be ignored.


6. The human being is an entity composed of its organic, bodily parts and animalistic urges, and of metaphorical and symbolic systems, which are abstract (though they originate in body and matter). The human is, metaphorically, a descendant of both animals and gods. Although we are used to thinking of ourselves as holistic beings, the self is not one, and is made up of many forces that often contradict each other. It is for the human himself/herself, to accept this complexity, to try and integrate between all of those forces, and to make them live in peace with one another. Contradiction and conflict, though, often serve as an effective motive for creativity.


7. The organic body is not a hermetic unit. Its boundaries are permeable, it is absorbed in the world and the world is absorbed in it. So is consciousness, which is constantly changing and influenced by its environment. At the same time, human consciousness is by nature observant, skeptical, reluctant and rebellious. The human, therefore, will always be an integral part of his/her environment, but at the same time doomed to be distinguished from it. This contradiction, being connected and disconnected at the same time, a subject and an object, is a significant component in the human experience, and the main motivator for any cultural, artistic or ritual act.


8. Each of us is born in his/her own body (in fact, we are our own bodies), which is inherited from a number of factors: our ancestors' DNA, the environment, and chance. Whether to be born as a male or a female was not for us to determine, but the choice to live as a man or a woman, is completely ours to make. A person should be responsible for his/her own decisions regarding his/her body and personal life - As long as you don't hurt anybody else, you should live your life and your story as you want to.


9. Humans tend to think binary - good and bad, beautiful and ugly, cultural and natural, and the like. It is a human paradigm, which has probably nothing to do with truth, other than the survival needs of the human race. We believe that one should acknowledge the given existence of these categories, but move between them freely and creatively.


10. As far as we know, consciousness, mind and spirit are generated within the body and its nervous system. This does not make them any less existent, but certainly indicates that they have no existence separated from the body. The same as with an idea or a metaphor, they can continue to live in the memory of relatives and loved ones, after a certain individual has passed away. But the death of the body is also the end of the soul: it is final, and it is inevitable when it comes. After death, the deceased will become part of the world-of-things, but he/she would know nothing about it.





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